Elementary ACE will begin on Monday, August 19th!
The 24/25 SY BE ACE Program will be held at the Elementary Campus, August 19th- May 16th with limited
enrollment. Recruiting and registration will begin August 12th. Please contact the ACE Coordinator
to see if your child qualifies.

What is Texas ACE?
The Texas After school Centers on Education (ACE) program is one of the largest statewide after school programs in the country, serving over 180,000 students at nearly 1,000 sites. The ACE program is administered by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and is funded through the 21st Century Community Learning Centers initiative of the U.S. Department of Education.
What We Do
The Brady Elementary ACE Program offers free before and after school programming to students in K-5th grade who qualify for our program. If your child qualifies, you will be contacted and given an ACE application to complete and return. Once your child has been accepted into the ACE program, your child will have access to:
- Homework assistance for students before and after school;
- Enrichment activities for students to explore science, technology and the arts;
- Activities and training that help families support their students to be successful at school; &
- Guidance and field trips that help students and their families access information about college and careers.
The overarching goal of the program is to foster each student’s academic success by improving attendance, behavior and academics which lead to grade level promotion, graduation and helping students be more prepared for college and the workplace.
Who qualifies for the Elementary ACE program?
Each year our ACE committee will look at the following criteria to determine which Kinder-5th grade students are in the most need of our services.
Previous school year grades
Previous years STARR and Benchmark Scores
Previous school year attendance
Socio-Economic Status
Teacher/Staff/Counselor recommendation
If Waitlisted-we may reevaluate based on current progress and teacher feedback
When is ACE offered?
The Brady Elementary ACE program is offered Monday-Friday from 3:30 pm-5:30 pm for students and the office from 5:30pm or 6 pm. After school bus service is available Monday-Friday at 5:30 pm. ACE is not offered on school holidays, flex days and no after school ACE on early release days. We encourage your child to attend ACE every time it is offered but 3 days per week is mandatory along with staying until 5:30 pm. There will be no early release options so if you need your child before 5:30 pm, they should not attend ACE that day.
Summer ACE will have limited enrollment based on who had the highest ACE attendance during the school year. Summer ACE will be offered Monday-Friday in the month of June. Bus transportation will be available as well as a free breakfast and lunch.
For more information on the Brady Elementary ACE program, please contact Sarah M. Smith at 325-597-2590 ext 3413 or by email at [email protected]
For more information on the TEXAS ACE program, click here
Click here for the Elementary ACE Summary Report
Brady Elementary ACE is a 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) grant funded by the Texas Education Agency (TEA).